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2 Reviews on “Dr Hernández - Lipemedical”

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  • Mylippyjourney

    I had surgery with Dr Hernandez Aug 22 removing 5.8 litres. The pre and post care was amazing and I felt so looked after.
    I had a rough time with pain in my recovery due to my tissue being very fibrotic, during surgery a more aggressive technique was used and I was under for longer.
    I would recommend her to anyone looking.

  • Sophie Leah

    Dr Hernández at Lipemedical is a miracle worker! I had 5.8 litres of diseased Lipedema fat removed from my lower legs in October 2023, it has changed my life. The constant pain and heaviness has disappeared and my legs are now unrecognisable. The care I received in Madrid while having my surgery was incredible. I highly recommend Lipemedical for anyone considering Lipedema liposuction.

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