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1 Reviews on “Dr Karol Gutowski”

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  • Marlena Zagorski

    Dr. Gutowski is kind, caring and listens in addition to his knowledge and experience. I researched and met with Dr’s initially trying to stay on the East Coast (was in PA when I started, now in NC). After multiple consultations with other Drs leaving me disappointed with realizing they didn’t know as much about Lipedema as they advertised, I finally made my consult with Dr Gutowski. I had known of him for a while and saw so many great comments about him, but hesitated due to the travel. I wish I saw him sooner. After my consult, my husband and I both knew he was the one and well worth traveling for!! I had my 1st surgery on 4/12 and am so glad I chose Dr Gutowski to work with. Whether via email or text he is very responsive and I look forward to my continued care with him. An extra bonus is how great and caring his office staff is too!!!

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