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3 Reviews on “Dr Siyer”

Overall rating
  • Ella Oakley

    I’ve just had liposuction for lipedema on my upper legs and flanks from Dr Siyer and couldn’t thank him enough. He walked me through everything and helped me with all of my questions, made me feel at complete ease. His team, especially Merve have been complete angels through the whole process!

  • Charlene

    Dr siyer has changed my life. He is a magician, he has done 4 ops on me so far and I have my next one coming up in a few months time. His care from the start right was amazing; he is a kind caring surgeon, has great bed side manners and is very understanding. His team is also great. I would highly recommend.

  • Alexandra

    Visited Dr Siyer for Lipoedema liposuction in Jan 2024. Highly recommend Dr S and all of his team in Izmir, Turkey. They were professional and friendly. Everyone was totally understanding of the language barrier, so wasn’t an issue. The hospital and clinic were perfect. I’m on the mend and already seeing wonderful results.

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